Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to Improve Your Dating Skills

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It can be very awkward sometimes when there are those moments of silence, unnecessary stroking of hair, strange as well as uncomfortable feelings and weird looks that may even result to head and body collisions when you lack knowledge on how to date someone.

Indeed, you don't want to experience a terrible inconvenience once you're dating somebody that you really like and adore. This is not a problem because dating gets better with knowledge, patience and practice. Anyone can improve his or her dating skills so that the next time that you're with a date, you'll be able to relax and enjoy the conversation with the other person whom you admired as well as love to be with.

You need to think positive about yourself first and start focusing on the strengths that you have while you're on a date. After the date, have a list of the positive including those annoying experiences that you ever had so that you'll be able to think and understand what you can do in order to improve your dating skills.

Remember those times when you were able to make your date laugh. You can practice those lines so that you shall be able to incorporate some of it while dating somebody and delete the ones that were not as good and effective.

Be honest with yourself and develop a type of confidence that you're a person who is worth getting to know better. Respect yourself and refrain from immature ways like blowing your own horn or fabricate stories or experiences just to make yourself more appealing.

If you'll do this and your date is looking at your eyes, he or she could even tell that you're just lying and this will only result as a negative dating experience on your part. Maintain on focusing and looking at your date through his or her eyes and avoid gazing as well as wandering around other people who are attractive so that you will not look like a player.

Aim your attention on the things that you honestly like and enjoy while conversing with your date. You will feel comfortable talking about them and your date will also feel your energy, and as a result, he or she may simply admire you in the most natural way. Being so natural with someone is a good thing and never be afraid to tell that you're even a bit nervous during the date.

The more honest and open you can be, then the more your date will be able to relate and connect with you because you might not even know that he or she feels the same way too. In this way, you are helping not only yourself but also your date with the dating skills that needs to be improved. Ask also about the things that your date likes so that the conversation will go on smoothly and both of you may be able to enjoy the whole time.

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